Professor Eric J Palmiere
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Professor of Metallurgy and Thermomechanical Processing
Director of the Themomechanical Processing Laboratory

+44 114 222 5978
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
I am an internationally recognised leader in ferrous physical metallurgy and thermomechanical processing, with more than 35 years of experience. I have conducted research in association with many national and international companies from a wide variety of sectors including automotive, aerospace, construction, transportation and energy, including nuclear and most recently fusion. I have been a collaborator with the National Physical Laboratory on the development of Guides for Best Practice of High Temperature Testing, and has published >170 scientific papers in high impact journals. I have been the recipient of the IOM3 Charles Hatchett Award, and most recently been presented with the 2024 Tom Colclough Medal by the IOM3 in recognition of my contributions to the understanding of microstructure, mechanical properties and processing in the iron and steel industry.
- Research interests
My research involves the microstructural evolution (utilising experimental techniques together with modelling techniques), and the subsequent development of mechanical properties during the thermomechanical processing of both ferrous and nonferrous alloys. In my research, a wide range of mechanical tests are employed, including laboratory simulations of industrial metalworking processes, e.g. rolling, forging, extrusion etc.
Additionally, this research relies upon the quantitative characterisation of microstructure using a number of different techniques including light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. This work has led to empirical relationships between deformation processing parameters (e.g., temperature, strain, strain rate and interpass delay time) and the resultant microstructure for a given alloy composition. Although a number of alloy systems including aluminium alloys, metal matrix composites (MMCs), titanium aluminides and permanent magnetic materials have been studied, the focus is primarily on ferrous alloys such as stainless, microalloyed steels and associated model alloy steels.
My work on the thermodynamic behaviour of NbC, and of its subsequent precipitation behaviour in microalloyed austenite has been recognised internationally, with the award of the Charles Hatchett Prize from the Institute of Materials (1995). I am particularly interested in developing a basic understanding between those softening (i.e., recovery, recrystallisation) and strengthening (i.e., solid solution, precipitation) mechanisms which occur either in austenite or in ferrite.
Key projects:
- Characterisation and modelling of strain-induced precipitation in steels
- Development of constitutive behaviour during moderate strain rate testing of steels at hot and warm working temperatures
- Influence of processing parameters, strain path and cooling rate on the microstructural evolution and transformation behaviour in pipeline steels API X70, X80 and X100
- Assessment and characterisation of friction effects during multipass hot deformation
- Deformation induced ferrite transformation leading to ultra-fine ferrite microstructures
- Influence of strain path on precipitation and recrystallisation of HSLA steels
- Modelling the nucleation, growth and coarsening kinetics of gamma鈥 during the heat treatment of Ni-based alloys
- Microstructural evolution during the thermomechanical processing of Ni-based alloys
- Development and processing of high modulus steels for automotive applications
- Alloy development and thermomechanical processing of advanced reduced activated ferritic-martensitic steels for fusion energy
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Research group
- Dr John Nutter (joint with Prof Mark Rainforth)
- Dr Ashley Scarlett (joint with Dr Richard Thackray)
- Dr Jiawei Xi (joint with Prof Mark Rainforth)
PhD- *Tongyu Wang
- *Ashley Scarlett (joint with Prof Dan Cogswell)
- *Sulayman Khan (joint with Prof Martin Jackson)
- *Ahmad Alsalman (joint with Prof Mark Rainforth)
- Chenghao Yang (joint with Prof Mark Rainforth)
- Shengqi Xu (joint with Prof Mark Rainforth)
- Thomas Cole (joint with Dr Lewis Owen)
- Lucas Cook (joint with Prof Martin Jackson)
- *Leon Butterworth (joint with Prof Mark Rainforth)
*Primary supervisor
Technical- Mr Dean Haylock (Thermomechanical Processing Laboratory)
- Teaching activities
MAT4443 - Metallurgical Processing
MAT630 - Engineering Alloys
MAT6664 - Science of Materials
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) (FIMMM)
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Member, Board of Review for the journal Metals
- Member, Board of Review for the journal High Temperature Materials
- Member, International Advisory Board, Intl. Conf. Series Recrystallisation and Grain Growth
- Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Intl. Conf. Series Thermomechanical Processing of Steels