I now have a better idea about the type of career I would like to follow

Why did you decide to do a year in industry?
I felt it would make me more employable, and it’s given me a better idea of what I wanted to do when I graduate. It’s made me realise there are jobs out there that I’ve never considered before.
How did you find your year in industry opportunity?
I first heard of Renishaw during a lecture. I then met a member of the Renishaw graduate and placement recruitment team at the placement fair at the university.
Tell us about project(s) which you have been most involved with whilst on year in industry?
Most of my work has centred around the Equator gauging system. However, I have also been exposed to a variety of projects away from the Equator too.
Most recently, I designed and built a test rig for investigating the fatigue life of a component. The rig has significantly developed my knowledge of pneumatics and electronics.
I have had lots of opportunities to design components, before then producing engineering drawings for these parts throughout the year and I'm also fully trained to manufacture the parts I have designed.
What do you like about the company you have done your year in industry with?
It is exciting working on projects that will then be supplied to the largest manufacturers across a wide variety of industries.
What has been the most challenging aspect to undertake a year in industry?
I found practical, hands-on tasks at Renishaw a real challenge. However, these skills have improved gradually throughout the year.
What has been your favourite part of completing a year in industry?
I now feel I have a better idea about the type of career I would like to follow once I have finished my degree. By gaining a year of experience now, I feel I will be able to reach my long-term goals sooner.
Which part of your degree has helped you with undertaking a year in industry the most?
I found modules such as Manufacturing Systems have provided me with good background knowledge for Renishaw. Fundamental modules such as mechanics along with the design modules have also been useful.

International undergraduate scholarships
We offer a generous package of financial support for international undergraduate students, including scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee (worth up to £40,000 for four-year programmes).
Applications are open for existing offer holders for an undergraduate degree programme starting in autumn 2025.